We were set the task to create a set of movements to the Into the Woods song 'The Witch Rap' in which the Witch character sings a set of events with clear lyrics which we were able to use to our advantage as we could visually act out what she was saying for parts of it, an example of this is when the rap says how she could turn another character into a dog, we would act out as a dog. I think this level of visually showing the text helped add not only a sense of comedy but also helping in sync with the song to make the song more powerful as the song was making our movements and dancing stronger and entertaining.
Many lessons were spent highlighting the script and trying to place movements with individual lines, we soon realised that this was a hard task, but after the addition of two extra members (Niamh and Grace) we were on our way with the knowledge of the script we had already to a successful dance. Hip pop could be one word to describe the type of movements and dance elements we used as it was all in time with the music and 'funky' at points, we used movements from previous dances we'd done in the past to create a set of movements which followed the lines of the choreographic devices, such as the use of repetition, canon and the use of levels and movement to keep the audiences attention on the character.
We were used to help exaggerate the words the Witch was saying, for example, 'Nothing but beans'.
To conclude a strength of our dance was the use of strong movements alongside the song lyrics whilst a weakness of our choreography was keeping in time, although the movements were clear and linked the song was still fast and kept a uneven tune. If I were to choreograph a dance for the Witches rap again I would definitely ensure we used out space more effectively as at times we found ourselves getting too close to the audience or to the other dancers.
Video of the final performance.
Video of the final performance.
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