Sunday 11 January 2015

Detailed Designs of 3 Character Costumes

I managed to fit images of brown clothing, an apron and some brown shoes to shoe in more detail what image I was trying to give the baker, obviously the brown clothes I imagined being more of a robe and including hunting gear also.

 For Red Riding Hood I found a pattern white dress and a red hoddie jumper to use for her main costume and some white heels to be worn on her feet. I would have preferred the hoddie to be a jumper with no zips or loose hanging parts but I think the dress colour and design is just as I imagined it to be!
The Wolf's outfit contains a black under layer to be used as a base layer to add materials on top of, the black top will be littered with the dark grey fabric to the side of the clothing, in a messy fur like looking manor.
The black skinny jeans are used to make the character look sly and sneaky.
The paw imagine will be used on the feet and the hands to make the character more realistic.
The big belt would also be added as it shows off the character confidence.

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