Sunday, 11 January 2015

Initial Sketch Drafts

The Baker: The draft design of the costume for the baker contains the brown plain robe, the chief hat, the apron, hunting gear and brown worn shoes.

Brown plain robe: Made out of a thick uncomfortable looking material like wool.

Chief's hat: Created through card and plastic bags then stapled and covered in white cloth.

The apron: A long white apron, made out of cloth containing a pouch to play props in and a patch of sworn on cloth to swear wear and use.

Hunting gear, a tube with a few arrows in, added because the script says how the Baker had some hunting gear on.

Brown worn shoes: To add character to his character

Red Riding Hood: The draft design containing a plain red jumper with a hood, a white dress and heels.

Plain red jumper with hood: Made out of fine materials to show it's importance to the character, but maybe covered in dirt and leaves to show usage and wear. Hood used to add mystery.

A white dress: Placed under the jumper to show her innocence hidden by the hood. Patterned with basic designs.

Heels: Used to show off how she thinks she is older than she actually is, white to correspond with the colour of the dress.

The Wolf: The draft design containing a wolf mask, a black t-shirt, a belt, paws for hands and feet and tight skinny jeans.

Wolf mask: Made out of Paper and glue to create a sturdy durable mask, then covered in grey cloth used to add mystery to the real actor as not being able to see the actors face.

T-Shirt: Used to stick grey fabric on to add to the wolf character.

A belt: A big black belt to show off the confidence of the character.

Paws:Used on hands and feet to help the audience visualise the character. Covered in grey fabric also.

Jeans: Skinny to show the slyness and sneakiness of the character.

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