Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Electra Performances

Electra first performance:

Although I was only in the first opening scene and the last climax scene this did not mean I was not ready, prepared and confident towards my character.

The opening scene of sitting on the stage blocks in the centre

For the first performance the gap between my two scenes seemed like it dragged on for longer than it did! I felt for this one I drifted away from my character a little even though I was rehearsing lines behind stage.

Things I did well was being clear and loud for the entire audience to hear, this enabled to quickly become more comfortable performing my character on stage and connecting more with the situation and my relationships with my characters around me.

I few points I needed to work on was my emotion when revealing my dead wife under the blanket, my sadness for her death didn't last too long and I recovered from it far too quickly, so next time I will try to use longer pauses to help show a clear slower recovery expressions to the audience.

Other performances:

The more live performances we did the better and stronger we were not only at performing but also as one team, working together not separately to perform a powerful, understandable performance.

I became more confident in saying lines I had difficulty in saying before and by the last performance I was able to become my character more easily and held a greater emotional impact when delivering my lines around the reveal of my wife's death.

Although I might have said a few lines too fast my pauses were used well enough to allow time for the audience to understand the scene and the situation between the relationships of the characters on stage.

A big weakness of the last performance was that I missed one or two lines, this I recovered from quickly and discreetly but I felt like that suffered my performance for myself and my confidence for the ending of the scene.

Next time I would definitely ensure I had more of a powerful status when first entering my scene I could do this by wearing harder shoes so it made a louder footstep noise when walking down the steps, this I think would make my presence more intense.

Thursday Electra Performance:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3 (Striking the stage):

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