Monday, 18 May 2015

Cats character analysis

My character is 'Asparagus' (Gus the theatre cat) an elderly cat but one of the most experienced cats in Cats.

Through lyric analysis I tried to come up with what sort of a character Gus is, so I could build of this foundation and make him more unique and also fit with the fashion concept.

For he was in his youth quite the smartest of cats
But no longer a terror to mice or to rats’
‘For he isn't the cat that he was in his prime’

-          He used to be very smart and clever, but now age has hit him he is frail and is not able to do the things he could do when he was in his prime – an example of which is catch mice or rats which is why he is no longer a terror towards them.

‘Though his name was quite famous, he says, in his time’

-          Used to be known my many meaning he was famous and probably quite successful being good at what he did which was playing different characters.

‘With anecdotes drawn from his palmiest days’

-          He has many stories from his experiences and likes to tell people about the man he used to be and the adventures he went on whilst being a character and how it developed him to become the man he is today.

I have played in my time every possible part
And I used to know seventy speeches by heart’
‘I knew how to act with my back and my tail
With an hour of rehearsal, I never could fail’

-          These lines show how he much much experience in acting as he has played many parts; it also shows how he was incredible at what he does as he could learn up to seventy speeches by heart. Furthermore to show how successful he is he says how with only an hour of rehearsal he never could fail which are skills only gained through passion for what he does, acting.

‘And I once played Growltiger could do it again
Could do it again, could do it again’

-          The repetition of the line ‘could do it again’ shows how he not only misses the times he times when he was  an actor but also how he believes he still possess the skills to perform as a character again.

From the lyric analysis I was able to construct a clear character of what Gus will be based around, a old frail character who likes to remember his older days when he was once a star and dreams of being so again or at the very least re living those moments.

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