Friday, 5 December 2014

Final Cats Dance Audition

Above is my 2 minute final dance audition for Cats.

The song I had chosen to dance to was 'Macavity the mystery cat' because I felt like the beats and timings were something I could work with a lot better than any other possible Cats songs.

The stimulus for the dance was obviously Cats and mystery but also with Jazz type theme.
I used choreographic devices such as levels, change of tempo/speed and repetition to my advantage when giving the impression of a mysterious type cat - for example using a mid level with slow but graceful speeds gave the impression I was being careful and sneaky.

I tried to incorporate movements such as turns and rolls as much as possible to create an energetic atmosphere to the piece - although I am a sneaky sly cat I'm also loud in my movements and  at times likes the attention of everyone.

A good strength for my dance audition, I think was the use of staying in and dancing as a character, for example using facial expressions and movements to exaggerate the personality of the character - Macavity.

A weakness though to my devised dance was my lack of experience in dance as well as a few movements not looking strong or professional enough -  but after the audition I really felt more confident with dancing now and certainly more able to dance in front of an audience and creating good ideas.

If I were able to devise and choreograph the dance audition again I would definitely spend more time researching movements and the character as although I spent some time on it I realised when trying to devise movements that it wasn't enough and didn't relate to the personality of the core character. 

Section 1 - Story

Political Theatre

3 Things that have come into politics that has effected you.

1) Obama coming into president, this has effected me as it changes the the way I learn about diversity.

2) Train fares, as I take the train this has a large effect on how much money I spent.

3) Margret Thatcher, being all over the news it affected how often I watch the news now, not every often.

Ways in which political issues can be addressed and shown:

The News for example BBC news, ITV news and any televised news stations.

Newspapers and Magazines as they tend to give bias important about one side of the news.

How social issues can be manipulated.

1) Introducing extra facts on information.

2) Gives another angle on perspectives.

Story, an argument between two people selection from a set of examples.

Shawn Spencer: Dear Residents,

Gus Burton: 

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Singing Audtion for CATS

For the singing audition we had to sing two songs - one fast and another slow.
The first slow song I choose was Close every door by Joseph because I felt this was one of the few good songs I could sing but also had a few challenging keys for me to reach such as on the line 'Children of Israel'

I felt my audition went well though I managed to reach most notes and sung confidently in both songs.
One thing which pulled me down though was singing too fast and out of time which could have been a nervous issue, to conquer this in the future I could sing in front of friends and family to become more comfortable with singing in front of people.

Second song:

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Check list

Josh Martello

  1. Make sure you are doing all work in posts and linking the posts correctly to their Unit (See Ashley or Katie for help if needed)


  1. Upload pictures of each page in your Costume Portfolio, you should have;
    1. Character and text analysis
    2. Costume research – Period and social status
    3. Costume plot for THREE characters
    4. Written work about how no. 1 has contributed to no. 2
    5. Colours, fabric swatches and measurements
    6. Initial designs - Based on established period and social status
    7. Established designs with written work about practicalities, character portrayal, portrayal of mood/emotion


  1. Make sure all PAB work is uploaded to blog including slides, notes & presentation recordings
  2. Evaluate your Faustus Performance
  3. Reflect on blocking and the rehearsal process for Electra
  4. Look at each show of Electra and how well you are doing identify strengths/ weaknesses and what you could do to improve for the next one.
  5. Include a review of Electra Performance at Old Vic


  1. Upload Rush Review
  2. Reflect on your INTW dance
  3. Reflect on how your CATS solo is progressing

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Annotation of Budget list - Midsummer Night Dream

Programme sales, didn’t sell any because non were made, saved cash.
Venue hire -  Funding in kind
Performing rights – Didn’t have to pay a penny because this being a shake sphere play and the writer is now deceased.
Initially more money was spent on Publicity, Set and Props but managed to save money on Sound/lights and other technical areas, costumes and make up, this could be explained by the clothing being handmade and the set/props not being provided by the theatre unlike the sound and lights which the venue might have already had and allowed them to use.
The savings on the programme printing make me think that they ended up not making any programmes or that they were made out of the production budget.
They planned to spend around £30 on other additions to the production but managed to not spend a dime, this almost balances out the things they did over spend on such as the Set and Props.

Although they predicted to make a profit of only £392.17 the production much have no only cost less also created a larger profit of £788.37 through mainly ticket sales in which they managed to sell another £400 worth of tickets then initially expected.

Acting Opportunities

Actors typically have certain creative set of skills which would enable them to have a natural skillset in talking to people with confidence using their speech, movement and expression to motivate, argue or inform in a persuasive and self-assured manner. Performing should have experience and knowledge in all fields of performing meaning then should be able to acquire a creative job in theatre, film, TV or radio, such as working front of house at a theatre, technical support, costume, set, sound, lighting or makeup design in any of the creative industry as a education manager for example.

Many actors result to working for modelling agencies, and some even do this alongside acting.

Production Companies


Spotlight casting services company specifically is a production company based in the UK established in 1927. Used by casting and production members when searching for actors they wish to hire for their productions. 60,000 performers appear in Spotlight, from actors and actresses of all ages to stunt artists. Spotlight enables casting directors for example to search through many actor profiles until they find one which suits them best.

Spotlight is used not only by theatre companies but by film, radio and television companies such as the BBC, Channel 4 and ITV.

Link to Spotlight's 'About Us' page


One of the leading Production companies in the industry organisation they deal with people who work across all aspects of the entertainment industry.

Equity was set up in 1930 by a group of artists and celebrated their 75th anniversary in 2005.

Magic Tent Theatre

Specialising in puppetry they also deal with actors and other aspects of theatre jobs such as musical composition, technical assistance, illustration, costume design, making and hire and acting.


Providing a wide range of services BECTU holds 25,000 members. They work alongside with other production companies such as Equity to help them represent actors.

Founded in 1991 BECTUs history can be traced all the way back to 1890.

Casting Call Pro

With 56,721* professional employers now using Casting Call Pro to source actors it's one of the most popular ways for actors to get better opportunities for acting jobs across the UK.

All Information about Production companies collected from their own sites and some information taken from their Facebook pages.


Name: Joshua Martello
Playing age: 13 - 23
Build: Slim
Height: 5"7
Hair colour: Dark Brown
Eye colour: Brown
Ethnicity: White British
Native accent: Southern English

Trained Actor, Singer and Dancer.
Diploma of Musical Theatre
Can swim excellently
Confident Cyclist
Can play a wide range of instruments
Skiing advanced level
Comfortable with animals


Casting Director and the Head of Marketing

Casting Director
A casting director is responsible for gathering a number of actor for a given role/character in not only a stage role but depending on why their hired also for tv or film roles. The casting director reads the script and meets with the producer, director to get a brief idea of what kind of actor they're looking for to fit the character. Once concluded on a brief profile, then the casting director sets to work. They will meet with many individuals and begin narrowing down the field to find the perfect actor for the job. After a few have been chosen the casting director then presents them to the director for him to get the final verdict.Skills of a Casting director includes an eye for talent, understanding whether someone has what is takes to take on the role, a good memory as they're seeing thousands of actors a day and need to know which ones are the ones which really matters and patience as it takes a lot of time to find the right person for the job as this process can not be rushed.

Marketing Manager
Most businesses include some form of head of marketing position, there are several different organisational approaches to marketing. The role may lie with a single member of the team, or it could be a group responsibility. In theatre depending on budget availability and the skills of the team, you might chose the marketing manager to help select the 3 main position slots of the production roles.

Extra notes from PAB lessons


Attendance, Attitude and Appearance when having a career and finding work in the performance workplace.

Attendance (Organisation)

-Time needed to get somewhere doubled + Half and hour
-At auditions have monologues and different sheet material
-Could spend hours awaiting outside for an audition, must bring food, blankets/coats, an umbrella and water
-Contact book of people who could be powerful links to getting work
-Spotlight Directory

Attitude (Approach/Manner)

-Work creates work
-Make your own work
-Business - Head shot - Amazing performance CV
-Show-reel (Good standard)

Appearance (Visually)
-Hair must be neutral and versatile - Same photo as one sent in
-Neutral makeup
-Shoes, no heels


You are the Product
  L Your acting skills

Publicity (Material)
-Have a great photo (One someone would remember)
-Become famous on social networking sites, for example, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
  -Acting page which 'fans' can 'like'
    -Don't add anything bitchy
      -No cat videos

Instagram - Pictures/Videos of performances
Soundcloud - For promoting your voice
Busking - Promoting to the every day public
Local events + Gigs - Advertising yourself for free
Blogs - 'Contents Page' for other social media sites
Business cards - Gives a professional standard
Casting website profiles - 'StarNow'
Amazing performers CV
'LinkedIn' (Old peoples Facebook)

Events + Gigs
Student videos - Low budget films
Open auditions
Local shows
Am drams - Don't dominate career
College + other training courses
Own products

Other performers
Casting Director
Good agents
Musical Directors
Media Students

Types of job roles for actors

Actors aren't going to be acting all the time so they'd need a steady background job they can have to bring in some income whilst their searching for a role.

Many steady background jobs include things still working within the theatre job structure, such as a front of house member selling, buying or checking tickets, a stage maker, someone who constructs the staging for performances and others such as:

- Extra, for example a person walking in the background of a scene.
- Agent, taking the role of helping to get parts for other successful actors.
- Runner, this job could include getting coffee or helping on the set, always something new to do everyday.
- Working in the Workshop includes handling and sorting all the props or stage pieces for a type of performance.
- Script Writer
- Stage Design and maker
- Casting Director, help choose role parts
- PGL - Rock related things
- Costume design
- Costume production
- Backstage work
- Stage creation
- Volunteer - Experience

- Festival organisation

All these will no only bring in a steady income but also build up your experiences of working around and on stage, not to mention this might but your name out there in a few casting director's books.

Theatre Structure


Unable to upload images of diagrams from presentation
A video of John, Magic and I presenting and describing the graphs:

Friday, 14 November 2014

Things a performing CV needs

A performing CV is a curriculum vitae which lists all the talent, experience and details about a performer. 

The main conventions of a performing CV are:

A good head shot photo - for example, they must not contain any glasses, hats or other facial accessories, you must not be smiling in the photo and should have you eyes wide enough to be seen clearly.

A set of skills - for example any accents you can do, including your own normal accent. Also skills within acting, dancing or singing.

Contact details, where you live, phone numbers, email addresses, agent info etc.

A description of yourself, skin colour and ethnicity, for example Olive skinned/Cork Asian.

Your playing age (The age in which you can be represented as on stage) for example 13 - 23

Body description, slim for example

Any previous performance work in a layout of title, year, role, theatre, director.

3 Uni's and 3 schools I am interested in and why.

School 1) Royal central school of speech and drama, uni of London
What course?

Acting (W410)

It's probably one of the best drama schools to get into but also incredibly hard too, which means better actors, better opportunities and much better experiences.

School 2) Arts Ed

What course?

Musical Theatre

Unique training focusing on acting for film and TV, two areas I am very interested in.

School 3) Guildford

What course?

Performing Arts (W500)

Has a course in performing arts which takes my interests and seems like a good choice to take at university.

University 1) University of Chichester

What course?

Digital Film Production & Acting for Film (WP4P)

It has a course set on acting in front of camera as well as film/tv studies, two areas which I am very interested in.

University (College) 2) Northbrook

What course?

Theatre Arts (Acting & Contemporary Theatre Making) (W410)

Acting and Contemporary Theatre Making Theatre arts course which is a fulltime 2 year course. A straight acting course means it focuses on the one thing I know I have a talent in.

University 3) University of the Arts London

What course?
Acting (W410)


Film Practice (W603)

Has not only a straight acting course but also a film practice course, two subjects I have particular interest in.

(Some more schools/Unis I am interested in)