Sunday 23 November 2014

Extra notes from PAB lessons


Attendance, Attitude and Appearance when having a career and finding work in the performance workplace.

Attendance (Organisation)

-Time needed to get somewhere doubled + Half and hour
-At auditions have monologues and different sheet material
-Could spend hours awaiting outside for an audition, must bring food, blankets/coats, an umbrella and water
-Contact book of people who could be powerful links to getting work
-Spotlight Directory

Attitude (Approach/Manner)

-Work creates work
-Make your own work
-Business - Head shot - Amazing performance CV
-Show-reel (Good standard)

Appearance (Visually)
-Hair must be neutral and versatile - Same photo as one sent in
-Neutral makeup
-Shoes, no heels


You are the Product
  L Your acting skills

Publicity (Material)
-Have a great photo (One someone would remember)
-Become famous on social networking sites, for example, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
  -Acting page which 'fans' can 'like'
    -Don't add anything bitchy
      -No cat videos

Instagram - Pictures/Videos of performances
Soundcloud - For promoting your voice
Busking - Promoting to the every day public
Local events + Gigs - Advertising yourself for free
Blogs - 'Contents Page' for other social media sites
Business cards - Gives a professional standard
Casting website profiles - 'StarNow'
Amazing performers CV
'LinkedIn' (Old peoples Facebook)

Events + Gigs
Student videos - Low budget films
Open auditions
Local shows
Am drams - Don't dominate career
College + other training courses
Own products

Other performers
Casting Director
Good agents
Musical Directors
Media Students

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